Department of Clinical Psychology
Post Graduate Institute of Behavioural & Medical Sciences (PGIBAMS)

About Department :
The Department of Clinical Psychology was started in this institute in year 2003. The department provides 2 years training in M Phil in clinical psychology. The department has conducted National Workshops, seminars and lectures on different aspects of mental health. It has liaising with different special schools (e.g. Mental retardation, Autism, Visual and hearing impairments) for educational and training purposes. School mental health programmes are being conducted and organized by the department time to time. Mental health education and training of different M Sc and B Sc. Nursing students are being also conducted by the department.

Course : M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology  : 2 Years

List of Dissertation Topic :
M.Phil. Student’s Dissertation Topic List.


• Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence.
• Alexander’s Performance Test of Intelligence.
• Binet-Kamath Test of Intelligence.
• Weschler Adult Performance Intelligence Test - PR (Indian Adaptation)
• Draw A Man Test
• Seguin Form Board
• Standard Raven’s Progressive Matrices (For Adults)
• Raven’s Colour Progressive Matrices (For Children)
• Non Language Test of Intelligence
• Developmental Screening Test (DST)
• Basal – MR
• Basic – MR
• Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS)
• NIMH Gem Questionnaire
• AAMD- Problem Checklist
• Developmental Psychopathological Checklist for Children


• Rorschach’s Inkblot Test (R.T.)
• Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)- Murray
• TAT Indian Adaptation- Uma Chawdhary
• Sack’s Sentence Completion Test
• 16 PF Test of Personality
• Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ)
• MPI By Jalota & Kapoor
• Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
• Rosenweig Picture Frustration Test
• Kundu Neurotic Personality Inventory
• Controlled Projective Test
• Life Satisfaction Scale
• Temperament & Character Inventory (TCI)
• Personality Questionaire- HOQ
• Test of Reaction to frustration
• Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
• Social Maturity Scale
• Emotional Maturity Scale
• Academic Anxiety Scale
• Profile of Adaptive Functions.
• Self-Concept Questionnaire.
• Multiphasic Personality Questionaire (MPQ)


• Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ)
• Gilliam Autism Rating Scale
• Family Relations Inventory
• Stigma Questionnaire
• Locus of Control Scale (LCS)
• SCAT (Anxiety Scale)
• ADHD Symptom Checklist-4
• ADHD Test
• Cornell Medical Index (CMI Health Questionnaire)
• Work Motivation Questionnaire
• Job Satisfaction Questionnaire
• Teachers Job Satisfaction Scale
• Learning Disability Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI)
• PGI Health Questionnaire
• Aggression Questionnaire
• WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF)
• IDEAS - One Set
• Marital Adjustment Inventory
• Dysfunction Analysis Questionnaire (DAQ)
• Present State Examination (PSE)
• Occupational Stress Index
• General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-5)
• The COPE Scale
• Occupational Aspiration Scale
• Taylor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
• Educational Problem Questionaire for student
• Rao’s Social Maturity Scale
• AIDS Knowledge Test
• ORS Scale
• Everyday Ability Scale for India


• Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT)
• Bender Gestalt Test (BGT-II)
• Examination For Aphasia
• Weschler Memory Scale
• PGI Memory Scale
• Colour Cancellation Test
• PGI-Battery of Brain Dysfunction (PGI-BBD)
• Stroop Test
• Trail Making Test
• NIMHANS Battery


• Aversion Therapy Apparatus
• Brain Polarizer Apparatus
• Electro sleep Apparatus
• Sex Therapy Apparatus

List of Faculty :
Following Table Shows The List of Faculties in Department of Clinical Psychology for M.Phil. Programs.


List of Faculties in Department of Clinical Psychology for M.Phil. Programs

Name Academic Qualification Designation Photograph
  Mr. J. Mahto MA, D.M & S.P Prof. & Head
  Dr. Deyashini Lahari (Tikka) M. Phil., Ph. D. Assoc. Professor
  Mrs. Aditi Priya M.A., M. Phil. (M. & S. P.), Ph. D. Scholar Assistant Professor

  Ms. Chetna Verma M. Phil. (Clinical Psychology) Assistant Professor
  Ms. Anwesa Purkait M. Phil. (Clinical Psychology) Assistant Professor

PGIBAMS Institute Department

Departments of Post Graduate Institute of Behavioural and Medical Sciences (PGIBAMS), Raipur, Chhattisgarh.



DNB (Psychiatry)

Clinical Psychology

M.Phil Degree

Psychiatric Social

M.Phil (PSW) Degree

Psychiatric Nursing

M.Sc (Psychiatric Nursing)